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the Allens

Church Planters to Newark, OH


Who we are




Nick and Lauren Allen


We are a new prospective church planting family from

Marion, OH who is looking for partnerships in ministry to help start a new Bible believing and preaching local church in

Newark, OH.


In the spirit of His own words in John 12:32, our great desire is to exalt Christ so as to see all people draw unto Him in Newark, OH.

We would love to connect with you and your church to tell you more about our story and what God is doing in our family as we step into this calling.

Why Plant a New Church?

We Need New Churches

There is a great need for more churches to be planted in the US. In 2019 (the most recently this data has been measured) around 3,000 protestant churches were planted, which sounds great. 


The only problem: another 4,500+ protestant churches closed their doors forever, leaving us with a net loss of over 1,500 protestant churches in one year.


Not only are churches in America not sustaining their numbers with the rate of population growth, but we are losing ground where we are now. 


Those numbers are projected to have only become even worse since COVID-19 in 2020 with thousands of other churches shutting their doors forever as well. 


Christ has ordained the ends that He will build His Church, but He has also ordained the means to that end. We believe new church plants are those means. 


(Matthew 16:8, Ephesians 4:11-12)

We Need Sound Churches

The fact that over half of professing "evangelical" Christians (56%) in America affirm religious pluralism and deny Christ's being the only Way to the Father God is proof enough in itself that the pulpits across the churches who have yet to close their doors are often starved for sound doctrine to edify the people of God.


While there are many Bible believing and Bible preaching churches still left (in Newark as well as across the US), we are still in desperate need of more. 


(Titus 1:9)

Newark's Growing Population Needs the Gospel

Dubbed the new "Silicon Valley of the Midwest" for its projected boom in population due to new tech giants moving into the county, Newark is a prime location to reach many new people with the Gospel of Christ. 


The fact of the matter is that without evangelism and new churches, many people are dying and going to hell. Many of those people are moving to Newark, OH. 


Our aim is to so exalt Christ in Newark that we see many of those people draw near to Him instead. 



The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 


(John 12:32, Matthew 9:37-38)

Want to know how you can pray for us?

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